Saturday, July 10, 2010

head knowledge vs heart knowledge...

Christians tend to believe that they often have 'head knowledge' that has not yet become 'heart knowledge'. i believe that this is the opposite of what is really going on.

King David cried out to God in Ps 51, 'create in me a clean heart'. God has done so in every single believer; our hearts are completely new and renewed. there is no more heart transformation necessary; there is no more heart transformation possible.

rather, believers experience 'head transformation'. we're told that we 'have the mind of Christ'. yet we're also encouraged (1) to 'renew our mind' and (2) to not be 'double-minded'.  it is not the case that we take our (learned) head knowledge and move it down to our hearts; rather, we take our (Christ-given) unconscious heart knowledge and move it up to conscious head knowledge.

by the way...what's THE most important thing to have your mind transformed about, to no longer be double-minded about? it's the true, full gospel.

believer...God gave you a new heart and the mind of Christ.
it is suitable to be ever more certain of the true, full Gospel.

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