Saturday, October 23, 2010

comments on a ministry some friends of mine got involved in...

FRIEND:We are a Christ-centered, Spirit-led community of students and young adults who are going hard after Jesus.
ME:Jesus went hard after you already, friend...and got you.*****
FRIEND:Who we are is defined by His incredible love for us and this truth is central to what makes up us.
ME:It's more than this. You are in union with God.*****
FRIEND:Since our first days in existence, we have gathered around our common passion to know God intimately and to abide in His love and Spirit always (John 15).
ME:You do know God intimately. What you want is to >>consciously<< know Him intimately. Consciously knowing begins in earnest by believing that you already, unconsciously, know Him intimately.*****
ME:You already abide in His love and Spirit; always always always.*****
FRIEND:It is as we behold Him that we become like Him.
ME:He birthed your spirit by His Spirit; He made you one with Him; He gave you the mind of Christ; and He will give you a brand new body. It is He who makes you more like Him.*****
FRIEND:And, it is as we become like Him that we can see our world beautifully changed to reflect His Kingdom.
ME:Your spirit is already like Him.*****

FRIEND:Our culture is simple: we want to meet God.
ME:You've already met.*****
FRIEND:Every meeting, that's our goal, to welcome His amazing presence and encounter the living God.
ME:He is always intimately present in you, though you might not consciously feel it all the time. The key is consciously feeling His presence is to begin believing He is always present (whether you feel it right then or not).*****
FRIEND:We are passionate about Jesus and it shows in our worship.
ME:All our spirits are passionate about Jesus; we worship in spirit and truth. The spirit is present, but the truth requires the pure gospel...not a works-gospel hybrid. You want real passion? Live from the spirit instead of your mind + emotions. And focus on the 100% pure gospel instead of this works nonsense.*****
FRIEND:Almost all of our meetings have extended times of worship that tend to be . . . animated and free.
FRIEND:The traditional ways of doing this don’t really concern us.
ME:Me either.*****
FRIEND:Our eye is on the prize of meeting with Him.
ME:You have already met Him; He has already met you.*****

FRIEND:No church is right for everyone, but if your main desire is to meet with God and know Him deeply, this is probably a great place for you.
ME:You do know Him deeply, more deeply than you consciously know. It is the desire of the spirit in all believers to enjoy intimacy with God...and, since we are always in union with God, that desire is always, and perfectly, fulfilled. If you want to consciously experience this, then please believe it.*****

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